Rescuing Ladybugs ~ Jennifer Skiff

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I came across this book on the Liberia Chimpanzee Rescue & Protection Facebook page, promoting the book in which they have a chapter.

Firstly I would like to say how much I enjoyed the ‘feel’ of the book, it has a really nice quality feel in the paper, very tactile.

It would seem Jennifer herself has had some amazing, heartbreaking, inspirational, momentous times in her life, which in turn has given her some great stories to tell.

She has divided the book into chapters & then sub chapters of different species, she begins with her experiences & then the sub chapters are dedicated to inspirational people, standing up for their chosen species, their defining moments which put them on their paths & then she asks them all the same questions at the end of their sub chapter & not surprisingly, their answers are all pretty similar.

I am new to conservation & I have to say for me the book is a massive inspiration, reading peoples stories, how their path was ‘given’ to them, what they have achieved through their dedication to their cause.

There are those we always hear about, but this book has informed me about people I have never heard of, yet who are totally dedicated & achieving great things & it gives me hope that there are so many of these amazing, dedicated people out there !!

If I have one criticism it would be pictures ~ there are none, but it would be great to see who we were reading about or pictures from along their journeys, otherwise it’s a great book, which I would highly recommend to anyone who loves animal welfare .


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