#TEAMEARTH2022 ~ Lion Farming, Trophy Hunting & Conservation

Saturday 15th October

The Clifton Pavilion


10.30 ~ 4.30ish

I read ‘Cuddle Me ~ Kill Me’ by Richard Peirce, it was a life changing read which saw me volunteer at the sanctuary featured in the book & become passionate about the demise of lion farms & all that that entails.

This years event will be a debate with a panel of experts, audience participation & hosted by Peter Egan

We will start with an introduction to the speakers, followed by one of the first British screenings of the tv edit of

‘Lions, Bones & Bullets’

A hard hitting film by Richard Peirce following the success of his book ‘Cuddle Me ~ Kill Me’

The Host

Peter Egan ~ Outside of the acting world, Peter is an avid advocate of animal rights. He acts as an ambassador for Sarajevo dog rescue group Saving Suffering Strays, as well as the Animals Asia Foundation.

Image result for peter egan

The Speakers

Richard Peirce ~ Richard is a committed wildlife conservationist who now spends all of his time on various projects trying to contribute to the conservation of specific species.

Image result for richard peirce


Dr Pieter Kat ~ Pieter is the director of LionAid, an internationally acknowledged expert on lions who is regularly consulted by African governments on lion conservation issues



Ian Redmond OBE ~ Ian is a tropical field biologist and conservationist. His career spans more than 30 years in which he is renowned for his work with gorillas and elephants.

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Diggory Hadoke

Hunting advocate, vintage gun expert, firearms dealer, author and journalist.

Diggory is a regular contributor to “Double Gun Journal, Sporting Shooter”, and “Gun Mart”, and is a registered firearms dealer



The Early Bird ticket price is £15 until Wednesday 31st August, after that they will be £20

You can purchase your tickets here



The guest speakers very kindly give me their time for FREE, so please understand that if something of importance comes up for any of them, they will need to withdraw their participation from the day. Thankyou

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